So much info is swirling around about the virus and it is hard to know what to do. From the research I have read, it seems that a mom with Covid-19 does not pass it to her unborn baby. That is good news. Further research states that mom can stay with baby and breastfeed after birth as long as she washes her hands and keeps her face covered.
The WHO says that COVID-19 moms can and should still breastfeed and be with her baby as long as she washes hands, etc. In America, the CDC suggests that mom and baby be separated after birth until she is symptom free. This can cause distress in mom and baby plus it can disrupt breastfeeding.
Please realize that even with this recommendation, that you have options.
The CDC states that mom and baby can stay together per the "mother's wishes". "If co-location (sometimes referred to as “rooming in”) of the newborn with his/her ill mother in the same hospital room occurs in accordance with the mother’s wishes or is unavoidable due to a hospital’s configuration, nursery constraints, lack of availability of isolation rooms, or other reasons, facilities should consider implementing measures to reduce influenza-virus exposure of the newborn including..."
If you want to room in with baby after birth, please read the link below and become educated on your options. Print off what the CDC says so that you can show the hospital staff and tell them that you plan to follow the "mother's wishes" guidelines of having baby stay with you.
So much info is swirling around out there and it can be very confusing. Please pray about it and listen to what the Spirit says to find what is best for you and your family. Things are shifting so fast around us, but I know you can find peace as you meditate and pray daily.