One of my fabulous clients recently gifted me with her new mom hard won wisdom and I decided to pass it along to you. There are so many new baby products, but are they as amazing as the commercials say they are? Our friend decided to try them out. She then added each item to the "Worth it" or "Not Worth it" list. Here is your insider tip before you spend all that money on your new baby.

Worth it:
Nursing pads
Washable, softer than disposable ones
Safe for baby and not sticky like Lanolin (Lanolin is bad if allergic to wool plus Lilly hated the taste of it)
Body Armor electrolyte Drink
Helps you stay hydrated
They sell at grocery stores, but cheapest at Costco
BabyWise is a really old book from the ‘40s and is not up to date with good info
“Taking Cara Babies” Training online
Pretty much the same message as Happiest Baby Book
Doesn’t promote Cry It Out Method
Helps to explain wake windows- important to learn about PRIOR to having baby. We didn’t realize Lilly needed to be assisted to go to sleep and ended up with an overtired, fussy newborn
So interesting and helps you to know how what your baby needs
No need to buy the app, it has bad reviews, but watch the youtube and it will explain enough
Amazon Maternity/Post Partum/Nursing finds:
Nursing bra that gives you a normal bra shape without being an underwire. Not super comfortable, but good for dressing up.
So comfortable and don’t ride up. Don’t knock them until you try them postpartum.
Great to layer under a loose shirt and just pull the outside shirt up to nurse
Nursing dress: So comfy and cute
Depends or Always brand Underwear for Postpartum
So comfortable and keeps things clean. Easier than juggling pads in mesh undies
Wear these on way to hospital if in labor! My water broke on the drive!
sooooo useful and keeps upright after feedings. Necessary for reflux
A LOT less expensive than the Dock a Tot and lasts longer as baby grows
So you don’t pass out getting your baby to fall asleep
Hushh Travel white noise machine
to hold all your necessities while nursing
Swaddle Me Swaddle and HALO swaddle
These were our favorite brands that worked on Lilly, but I think every baby may be different in this regard.
Aiden and Anis swaddle muslin blankets and burp cloths/bibs
You will need so many burp cloths, especially if baby has reflux. Go ahead and get a lot to reduce how often you have to do laundry.
Don't buy the Gerber burp cloths. They are too thin to hold anything. Flat cloth diapers are thick and absorbable.
Great for Summer babies because it’s light weight and comes in cute colors. Otherwise, Boba Wrap is a great option too.
Totally worth the $$$, one handed set up
Annoying that you have to spend $40 to get their mat cover as a sheet. It is a different size than pack and play
Doona – car seat and stroller in one
Worth the $$$!
Handle doesn’t extend very far so not great for people taller than 5’10”
You will still want another stroller for neighborhood walks
Portable Fan for walks
Rechargeable and works great
Get two! One for baby, one for mom
Dr. Browns colic bottles
Kiinde twist milk storage bags and milk warmer starter kit
helps with congested babies or sick babies to clean their nose
Frida Windi baby
relieves gas immediately
Use before nursing for a calmer baby
Probiotics (Gerber Soothe or BioGaia)
Glider from Buy buy baby
Baby Bath Sponge:
No need to buy a little sink tub that is hard to use
One sponge can fit baby as baby grows
Allows you to bath baby in your tub
Use this regularly while nursing on the other side
Keeps things cleaner (no leaking onto your clothes) and helps build up your stash for bottle feedings
Kyte baby clothes
Cute and SO soft bamboo material. Great for sensitive/eczema skin
Double zipper jammies are nice for diaper changes too!
Not Worth It:
slides out from under you
Heard better reviews on My Breast Friend which has a strap
Some people swore by theirs, but we like the Leachco Lounger so much more.
Lilly does not like this nor do several of my friends’ babies
Tommy Tippee (wrong shape nipple according to lactation specialist)
Any other bottles besides the Dr. Brown’s Colic ones honestly
Medela calm bottle nipple
Wedge pillow for bassinet to help with reflux
She just rolled down this and ended up lower in her bassinet
Wipes Warmer: the wipes never get that cold because they are room temp.
Don’t buy a bunk of cute baby blankets. People gift you blankets left and right.
Don’t buy any non-nursing friendly clothes
They only wear in the hospital unless it is winter and even then, they fall off all the time