Thank you for dropping in to visit our site today. We are honored that you would consider hiring us.
First, I want to say that we are not a birth center. We do not have any midwives on staff.
Secondly, we are an amazing birth doula agency and would love to serve you.Our price range of doula care depends on the experience of the doula, not the care you get from our agency.
Here are some great proven benefits of birth doula care for you:
Decreased medical intervention in labor
Reduces need for cesarean by 26%
Reduces the need for forceps or vacuum extractor by 41%
Reduces use of pain medication by 28%
Reduces dissatisfaction with birth by 33%
Reduces length of labor.
Partners being more prepared to support you
Better birth satisfaction
More educated about the whole process
If you just read the list and decided you want this, please reach out to us at To read about what we specifically offer different from another doula group, please visit our doula page.